Shop for prescriptions, products & supplies from the comfort of your home.
We are pleased to be able to offer our clients the convenience of at-home, online purchasing with home delivery. We are competitive in pricing and will do our best to price match if you find a better deal through another online pharmacy. Click below to go to our online pharmacy "Vets First Choice".
Only use Veterinarian referred online pharmacies. Be aware of the dangers when getting your pet’s prescriptions online through an un-reputable pharmacy.
- Your pet's prescriptions may not have been climate controlled and could be damaged.
- Drug manufacturers DO NOT guarantee their product to pharmacies that have obtained the prescriptions illegally.
- Many online pharmacies do not have a pharmacist on site and therefore you do not know who is filling your pet’s prescription and you do not know if you are actually getting the prescription you have requested.
- Keep the doctor / patient relationship. If your pet has heartworms and takes certain heartworm medication it can be fatal. Your pet may need necessary blood work before filling a particular prescription to ensure the safety of continuing that medication.